A Micro:bit is a small, codeable computer or microchip. It is a easy and inexpensive tool schools can purchase to enhance learning across their curriculum and specifically for teaching Digital Technologies outcomes and ideas like Digital Systems, Coding and Design Thinking.

Many teachers I have worked with look at the Micro:bit and immediately panic and worry with comments like "I can't use this", " I wouldn't know what to do with this thing" to "I am not a programmer". I assure teachers that despite its very technical look, the Micor:bit is super easy to use and there is a plethora of support materials, tutorials and content available online for using the Micro:bit and for integrating it in learning across KLAs with students from years 2 and up.
Parts & Features of the Micro:bit
25 LEDs: A 5x5 grid of red LEDs
2 buttons: Programmable buttons
Accelerometer: On-board motion detector (accelerometer) that can detect movement and tell other devices you’re on the go. You can light it up when something is moved, and use it for motion-activated games.
Magnetometer: A built in compass, direction of movement or degrees
Bluetooth: So you can connect to an iPad or another Micro:bit
Micro USB: Connect to the computer to receive downloaded programs
Sensors: Light and Temperature sensors
Radio: Communicate wirelessly

Micro:bits are engaging and effective technological tools that can be embedded as projects in learning across the curriculum. Often these projects encourage kids to design and make tools linked to concepts and ideas with learning in topics. Often these Micro:bit projects meet outcomes in other KLAs as well as the 2DP-T,3DP-T and 11DI-T outcomes of the NSW Science and Technology Curriculum. The table below explores some ways that these projects can intergrate with learning to meet cross-curricular outcomes.

Many of the projects in the table above have been implemented in classrooms by myself and my fellow University of Adelaide, CSER NSW Digital Project Officer @iMerinet. You can watch our special Zoom presentation where we talk about these projects and how we used them with students for the learning.
If you would like more information about integrating Micro:bits across the NSW curriculum, access to the full interactive table or workshops for your school about teaching Digital Technologies or using Micro:bits contact me via twitter @helenkardia or email: helen.kardiasmenos@adelaide.edu.au